This poem is about something that initially seems the opposite of meaningful: those reCAPTCHA images that require us to show we are human by looking for stop-lights, bicycles, etc.  I applied Chain verse to demonstrate the interconnected emotional resonance of repeating images.  Though not every image populates each stanza, the Bridge repeats, carrying the reader through the poem and emphasizing that our ability to love while acknowledging impermanence ultimately proves our humanity.

Published in Global Poemic, Words and Whispers, Tiferet Journal, Writing in a Woman’s Voice, Anti-Heroin Chic, Book of Matches, The Shore, and Amethyst Review; upcoming in Rust and Moth, Thimble Magazine, Academy of the Heart and Mind, and SWWIM Every Day, Alison hosts Well-Versed Words, a monthly free online reading. She writes gratefully in North Carolina.
