2024 Pushcart Prize Nominations
“Frida Kahlo and I Go Swimming at the Community Pool” by Amy Ash
”The Allendale Wolf” by Thomas Farr
“Unbecoming” by Cierajevae Gordon
“The Night You Showed Me Shema is a Haiku” by Adina Kopinsky
“In a Growling Wind” by Jed Myers
“Don’t Forget to Guard the Calmness: An Emergency Action Plan” by Andi Myles
2024 Best of the Net Nominations
“Kiting April,” by Rosa Lane
“Saint Giles’ Doe” by Frank Paino
“Ode to a Borsalino: A Fedora of Sonnets” by Neil Silberblatt
“Cows” by D. Dina Friedman
“Lilies” by Bethany Bowman
“Shame” by Autumn Newman
2023 Pushcart Prize Nominations
“The Irreconcilable Impossibility of Us” by Tracy Artson
“Ode to the Sphere” by Jesse Breite
“The Angler’s Shadow” by Christine Degenaars
“Cows” by D. Dina Friedman
“Three Golden Shovels for the Grave” by Frances Klein
“Ouroboros & Caboose” by Marion Wrenn
2023 Best of the Net Nominations
“The Form of a Wave” by Ale de Luis
“Snag Breac at Glendalough, Co. Wicklow” by Thomas McGuire
“What It is I Fear” by Jane Edna Mohler
“Fiat to Autumn” by Frank Paino
“Psalm 144: Crusader” by S.J. Pearce
“Gills, 1992” by Sal Ragen
2022 Pushcart Prize Winner
“Grammar Lesson, Spring 2022” by Hayden Saunier
2022 Pushcart Prize Nominations
“Explaining The Autopsy Of Survival To A Class Of Black Bodies”
by Joshua Effiong
“Herself as Northern Wilderness” by Sylvia Karman
“The Bleeding Edge” by Janice Northerns
“Snag Breac at Glendalough, Co. Wicklow” by Thomas McGuire
“Fiat to Autumn” by Frank Paino
“Grammar Lesson, Spring 2022” by Hayden Saunier
2022 Best of the Net Nominations
“Plans” by Emily Franklin
“Working” by Julie Cooper - Fratrik
”Epistle for Jack Gilbert After Rereading ‘A Brief for the Defense’”
by Gloria Heffernan
“Black Purity” by Gustav Parker Hibbett
“An Old Photo of Bialystok” by Anne Myles
“Olive Hill Flood” by Karl Plank
2021 Pushcart Prize Nominations
“The God of My Mothers is a Flowing Rock” by Adina Kopensky
”Amberjack” by Hannah Larrabee
"Anansi Me” by Deshawn McKinney
”Quinby, South Carolina” by Helen Quinitz
“After a Diagnosis of Postpartum Mood Disorder” by Meghan Sterling
“How I Remember the Day My Mother Called With the News” by Rose Strode
2021 Best of the Net Nominations
“blackfruit” by C. Patrice Ares - Christian
”Continent” by Mary Buchinger
“portrait of a queer as a young boy” by Mary Foulk
“Conversations With My Mom That Won’t Happen
and Won’t Stop” by Lily Greenberg
”The Catcher” by Abigail Licad
”Ash” by Jennifer Pierson
2020 Pushcart Prize Nominations
“Light Savings Time” by C. M. Barnes
“Martina” by Lisa Bledsoe
“Elegy with Failed Metaphors” by Benjamin Cutler
“Bartram Heard It” by Fred Dale
“Oral History Examination” by Shankar Narayan
“Prayer for My Daughter” by George Perreault
2020 Best of the Net Nominations
“Maybe I Could Have God Back” by Susan Carlson
“Contrapuntal” by David Prather
2019 Pushcart Prize Nominations
“Our River Flows Without Her” by Amy Baskin
“The Rooster’s Song” by John Chrostek
“To Other Parents in June, Our Kids Like Kites or Birds Near the Sea” by Katie Fesuk
“A Summoning Song” by Derek Kannemeyer
“Margot Teaches Me How to Fight Bulls” by Andy Smart
“A Parallelogram” by Catherine Young
2019 Best of the Net Nominations
“How to Unbar the Door for One Who Does Not Knock” by Art Allen
“Babel” by Jae Dyche
“Tokyo Underground Prayer” by Mary Jo Jerome
“Cairns of Nicaragua” by S.A. Leger
“Genesis” by John Sibley Williams
“Telegram from Mosul” by Roy Wordsmith