River Heron Writing Workshops
River Heron offers writers opportunities to further enhance their writing skills through our structured and generative workshops. Our sessions are facilitated by experienced writers and editors who share a passion for writing. Our small group approach ensures that all participants not only receive personal attention but also have plenty of time to share work and receive feedback. Sessions include consideration of best practices and strategies. Our workshops follow the Amherst Writers and Artists model which stresses positive reinforcement and the uniqueness of each writer’s voice. Our emphasis is on helping you evolve as a writer.
Clicking on an image will link you to the specific workshop page which includes the full description, facilitator bio, dates, time, cost, and a link to register.
* For indicated workshops, sign up for the waitlist for the next series of workshops. You will be notified as soon as registration opens.
For the Writer in Your Life
Choose a workshop for your favorite writer. It’s the perfect all-occasion gift. We will create a printable gift certificate for you to give. Workshops are exchangeable for a different choice.