Several years before his death, my late husband and I – after seeing the film “A Family Undertaking” -- vowed we would keep whoever died first at home until burial, as was done in olden times, even if death occurred elsewhere. I was lucky. A local undertaker, familiar with this practice, provided paperwork and hands-on help. This poem, which took shape over the course of several years, attempts to capture the unexpected wonder and beauty of those days.

Ingrid Wendt is the author of five full-length poetry collections and one chapbook. She has co-edited two anthologies and taught poetry writing for over 30 years at all age levels, including the MFA program of Antioch University LA and as a Fulbright Professor in Germany. Married for 48 years to the late poet and writer Ralph Salisbury, she sings with the Eugene (Oregon) Concert Choir and volunteers as an exhibit interpreter at the Oregon Coast Aquarium.

F: Ingrid.Wendt
I: @idwendt