I honestly never wish to “explain” a poem. I deeply feel that once written it belongs to you, the reader. Of course, the poem rises from/is built from, stained by, is of – abuse, its shadow-memories, and its survival. How abuse may course through generations like a dirty river or lake. But it changes. It changes. And, there is the mountain.   

Margo Berdeshevsky, born in NYC, lives in Paris. City of myths, fantasies, pewter light and a river the impressionists did not lie about. Her newest book, Kneel Said the Night (a hybrid book in half-notes) is from Sundress Publications. Other books include: Before The Drought (Glass Lyre Press/National Poetry Series finalist), It Is Still Beautiful To Hear The Heart Beat (Salmon Poetry), Between Soul & Stone, But a Passage in Wilderness (Sheep Meadow Press), Beautiful Soon Enough (FC2).

W: margoberdeshevsky.com
I: insta_margomargo